Since 1905
AGUSTÍ Y MASOLIVER, S.A. (AMSA) is a century old company founded in 1905 by Mr. Andreu Agustí i Bages and currently run by the fifth generation of the family.
Born, like so many other family companies, from the innate entrepreneurial spirit of the Catalan people, something we are proud of and which has made our country great. The history of AMSA is part of the country’s history. With a clearly European vocation, it was destined to open borders, when the Pyrenees were an all but impenetrable barrier. Roads made or repaired by AMSA take you to the French border through Molló, Portbou, La Jonquera, Llívia and La Vajol, routes that made it possible to travel to Europe and are, at the same time, roads for the entry of thousands of tourists.
Driving on our roads, it is common to see the AMSA logo, with its elongated S transformed into a dual carriageway, announcing the principal activity of this company, which in these more than one hundred years history, has survived times as problematic as the Civil War and has adapted to new technologies and ways of working.
The fact that we have been able to carry on our activities for so many years is thanks to the workforce this company has always been able to rely on: Highly experienced managers, technical staff and works personnel.